Our Coffees

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Mr Mojo

Grind it!

Name: Mr Mojo

Description: A rich, aromatic Single Origin Colombian dark roast. 12 oz.

List: 14.00


Grind it!

Name: Ginger's Choice

Description: A medium Costa-Rica - Colombian blend. 12 oz.

List: 12.00


Grind it!

Name: Champ's a Good Boy

Description: A smooth medium blend of Costa Rican and Kenyan beans. 12 oz.

List: 12.00


Grind it!

Name: Daizy's DeCaf

Description: Fresh roasted decaffeinated beans. SWP! 12 oz.

List: 12.00


Grind it!

Name: Penny's Preferred

Description: A tasty bold Single Origin Kenyan coffee. 12 oz.

List: 14.00


Grind it!

Name: Mitzi's Magic

Description: A sweet aromatic Single Origin coffee from Burundi, Africa. 12oz

List: 14.00

Sammy Sumatra

Grind it!

Name: Sammy Sumatra

Description: A bold Single Origin from the island of Sumatra 12 oz.

List: 14.00


Grind it!

Name: Biz's Blend

Description: A mahvelouse blend from South America and Africa 12 oz.

List: 12.00

The Daily Driver

Grind it!

Name: The Daily Driver

The Crew

Description: A smooth delicious Brazilian coffee - 1 Lb. Bag!!

List: 15.00

Embly Does it Again

Grind it!

Name: Embly Does it Again

Description: A chill mix of Sumatra and Brazilian coffees. 12oz

List: 12.00